It’s time to shift from informational to transformational leadership development
While the world’s complexity and volatility continues to increase, research indicates that:
more than 90% of leaders don’t have the appropriate capabilities to successfully lead through complexity (Harthill Consulting & PwC)
approximately 20-30% of Learning & Development spend is being wasted on misdirected L&D that doesn’t prepare leaders for the future (EY)
many leadership programs don’t work because “too much time is spent delivering information and not enough on the hard work of developing the leaders themselves”. (CCL)
We can help you shift from simply informing to truly developing your leaders so they can successfully lead your people and your organisation into the future.
“Most leaders already know what they should be doing; what they lack is the personal development to do it.”
Our team here at Spring:
has undergone specific training in adult (vertical) development and holds qualifications in various developmental tools designed to help you expand your consciousness
is up to date on the latest research in the field and is experienced at specifically supporting leaders in their vertical development
has ongoing, first-hand experience of stretching our own growth edges as part of our commitment to ethical coaching, operating from a place of integrity by walking our talk, and showing up for you as the most powerful coaches we can be (Laske 2006).
Our suite of developmental tools and approaches includes: