Adult development assessment

Growth Edge Interview



One of the fastest ways to grow and overcome a challenge that's been holding you back is to be able to clearly see what the core issue or conflict for you is. 

Whether you're struggling to: 

  • remain calm during frustrating meetings

  • say "no" and set boundaries without feeling guilty

  • feel confident (rather than like an imposter or fraud) in your decision-making

a Growth Edge Interview (GEI) can help you gain the clarity to understand why the challenges you have are challenges for you so that you can (finally) overcome them.

The GEI was created by Jennifer Garvey Berger and colleagues specifically to support individuals’ growth and development. It is an evolution of the Subject-Object Interview (SOI) research tool developed by Robert Kegan and colleagues at Harvard University to measure a person’s stage of vertical development based on Kegan’s theory of the four stages of adult development:

Growth Edge Interview - adult development assessment

This complex and nuanced interview is conducted by a coach qualified in the GEI process, who is able to listen deeply - beyond the specific stories you share - to understand just one thing: How do you make sense of the world?

If you want to better understand why the challenges you have (eg controlling your temper, struggling to set boundaries, lacking the confidence to speak up) are challenges for you, a Growth Edge Interview can help.



✓ The GEI process offers a window into your current meaning-making system, a window into which you can peer to gain a new level of self-knowledge.

✓ By understanding your cognitive meaning-making system, the reasons why you might be struggling with a particular challenge can become clear - as can the path forward.

✓ The GEI will illuminate which areas may provide you with the greatest ROI (return on investment) in terms of your development, should you choose to focus on them.


Assessment Process:


Engage in a 90-minute recorded Growth Edge Interview


Within 10 working days your interview audio will be transcribed and returned to you (along with an optional report, if you’ve requested one in your order)


Attend a 60-minute, 1:1 debrief session to explore your reflections on the interview as well as next steps in your development


Want to learn more about the GEI or order an assessment for yourself or your team?