The world needs more conscious leaders
The critical challenges we face today cannot be solved with the same level of thinking that created them.
The critical challenges we face today cannot be solved with the same level of thinking that created them.
Are your days filled with back-to-back meetings?
Are you so busy with urgent tasks that there’s no time to focus on important ones?
Do you sense your busyness is causing you to miss out on opportunities?
Do you wish you could spend more time on the balcony and less time on the dance floor?
Does doubting the capability of your people keep you from trusting them to make decisions without you?
Do you find yourself trying to be everything to everyone?
We understand what it’s like to feel:
pulled in a million directions
the incessant weight of responsibility on your shoulders
trapped between wanting to do the right thing and the struggle to figure out what the right thing to do is in this unprecedented context.
We’ve worked with thousands of leaders to help them grow so they can break out of the habits and patterns of operating that are keeping them and their organisations stuck.
We can help you:
improve the quality of your thinking and decision-making for your VUCA context
lift the leadership “ceiling” in your organisation
make your meetings more efficient and effective
unleash the performance potential in your people.
Through our suite of leadership, team, and democratised coaching services, we create growthful experiences that lift performance, move things forward, and help people develop the capacities to rise to the challenges they face.
Being busy is NOT a sign of being productive. Or effective. Or of growth.
People who regularly reflect perform 23% better than those who do not.
“This [coaching programme] has facilitated improved client relationships and the awarding of more work to [our organisation], providing a significant return on investment. ”
We care deeply about our impact and role in supporting you to unleash your leadership potential.
As part of our commitment to quality and excellence, each member of the Spring Leadership team:
has undergone specific training in adult (vertical) development and holds qualifications in various evidence-based, developmental tools
is up to date on the latest research in the field and is experienced at specifically supporting leaders in their vertical development
has ongoing, first-hand experience of stretching our own growth edges as part of our commitment to ethical coaching, operating from a place of integrity by walking our talk, and showing up for you as the most powerful coaches we can be (Laske 2006).
All of our coaches:
adhere to the ICF Code of Ethics and are committed to client confidentiality
hold multiple coaching certifications
engage in ongoing professional development
undergo regular coaching supervision
combine decades of industry leadership experience with hundreds of hours of coach-specific training and coaching experience
are experienced business owners who understand the demands of and agility required to continually adapt to our fast-changing world.
Our Suite of Coaching Services:
While the map of adult development serves as our meta-framework for supporting our clients in leaning into their growth edges, each member of the Spring Leadership team also has a diverse individual toolkit that they integrate into their coaching to generate results for their clients.
These tools and approaches include:
› Complex adaptive leadership
› Global Leadership Profile
› Growth Edge Interview
› Immunity to Change mapping
› Liberating Structures
› Neuroscience
› Positive psychology
› Strengths-based
› Self-determination theory
› Mindfulness
› Polarity management
› Emotional intelligence
› 360° feedback
› Enneagram
› Complexity science and systems theory