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Making Change Stick - Overcoming Your Immunity to Change


An effective (and sustainable!) alternative to setting new years’ resolutions

  • Learn a proven process for successfully making that change you want to make - and getting it to stick

  • Unhook from the limiting beliefs that have been holding you back

  • Create a step change in how you’re able to be as a leader


Let’s make this year different

Have you ever set yourself a behaviour-change goal — say to delegate more, to set firmer boundaries on your time, or to get better at having courageous conversations — but as earnestly as you might have wanted to improve, found yourself making little to no progress?

If so, you're not alone.  Change can be hard!  In fact, some estimates suggest that as much as 80% of new year's resolutions fail to be achieved.

Fortunately, 30 years of research on adult (vertical) development has discovered a way to improve your odds of success.  The process comes from Harvard University researchers Bob Kegan and Lisa Lahey and is called Overcoming Immunity to Change. The reason it's so effective is that it intervenes at the level of beliefs rather than behaviours.

In this workshop, you'll have the opportunity to explore an area of your life that you'd like to get better in, which perhaps has proven resistant to change in the past.

You'll be guided through the process of creating your own personal Immunity to Change map, which will help you uncover aspects of your own psychology that may be keeping you from creating the personal change that you crave.

In this interactive, online workshop, you'll learn:

  • Why it can be so hard to change your behaviour (even when you really want to!)

  • How to create your own personal Immunity to Change map so you can get to the root of what's holding you back anytime you feel stuck

  • The proven process for shifting those stubborn limiting beliefs that are keeping you from realising your potential.


About Immunity to Change

ITC offers an actionable model for transforming our lives and our organisations. It can be applied to a wide variety of leadership and personal change goals, such as:

  • Improving your ability to receive critical feedback

  • Delegating in order to move an initiative forward

  • Creating a healthier work-life balance

  • Having more courageous conversations

  • Working more collaboratively within a group

  • Developing healthier eating or exercise habits.


Meet your facilitators


David Bennett

David Bennett (Masters Coaching Psychology) is an experienced executive coach who applies scientific rigour to what makes people thrive and excel. He's passionate about using Liberating Structures to unleash innovation and creativity at work.

His corporate background includes a solid grounding with KPMG before working at a senior level for a variety of organisations in New Zealand and overseas.

He lives in the South Island where he enjoys ocean swimming and tramping.

Aenslee Tanner

Aenslee Tanner (PCC) is a certified leadership coach and qualified Immunity to Change (ITC) map facilitator passionate about supporting individuals to unleash their potential and become more conscious leaders.

A former engineer and Division-I athlete, her research-based coaching methodology draws on adult stage (vertical) development and complexity theory, neuroscience, positive psychology and high-performance sport.

Aenslee recently ran her first 100km ultramarathon and completed a 10-day Vipassana meditation course - challenging experiences that have given her a whole new appreciation for what it means to lean into discomfort in order to grow!



Where will this session be held?

This session will be delivered online via the Zoom video conferencing platform so you are welcome to join from anywhere! (And there is a scheduled break during the session so you’ll have the chance to stretch your legs.)

You'll receive a link to join the video call in your confirmation email after you've registered. If you've never used Zoom before, we recommend you click on the link at least five-minutes before the designated start time so that you can go through the process of installing the software.

What equipment do I need?

To participate fully in the workshop you'll need:

  • a computer, tablet, or smart phone

  • headphones

  • a microphone

  • to have downloaded the Zoom Client for Meetings program to your device in advance

  • a good internet connection

  • something to write on (eg paper and pencil, tablet and stylus).

Do I need to have my video on?

To maximise the experience for you and the other participants, we request that you have your video on and participate in all break-out groups.

Zoom is a video conferencing platform which means we have the opportunity to see each other in the main room and in breakout groups. This also means that we will be aware of each other more directly, including any movement or background activity visible to your computer camera. Please join the call from a quiet space, and plan to be fully present for this interactive session.

Will there be a recording of this session?

As this experience is highly interactive and participatory, with breakout room discussions, etc and we want to respect the confidentiality of the personal aspects people may choose to share, we will not be recording this session.

How much does the workshop cost?

For this session, we’ve chosen to experiment with a Pay What It’s Worth model meaning you get to choose your level of investment. Don’t worry — when you click the link to register, we’ll provide plenty of guidance to support your decision-making. :)